الثلاثاء، 31 ديسمبر 2013

Interview MCQ Questions of Basic of IT Set-4

1. What program included in windows can be used to record sound?

A) Media Recorder
Interview MCQ Questions of Basic of IT
Mesh network topology, own work (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

B) Sound Player

C) Media Player

D) Sound Recorder

2. Which of the following is not database program?

A) DB2

B) Fox-pro

C) Ms Access

D) Ms Excel

3. Which of the following is/are HTML tags type?

A) Paired Tags

B) Singular Tags

C) Both of the above

D) None of the above

4. Which of the following is are Network topology?

A) Mesh Topology

B) Ring Topology

C) Hybrid Topology

D) All of the above

5. Which of the following is not a data type?

A) Picture/Graphic

B) Date/Time

C) Text

D) Number

6. An organized collection of logically related data is known as ...

A) Data

B) Meta data

C) Database


7. Which is/are Network protocols?




D) All of the above

8. A character is equal to ..

A) One Bit

B) One Byte

C) Bits

D) All of the above

9. Which of the following input devices is also known as memory device?

A) Keyboard

B) Punch Cards

C) Joystick

D) None of them

10. A programming language that uses binary codes in ..

A) Machine Language

B) Assembly Language

C) High Level Language

D) All of the above


1. What program included in windows can be used to record sound?

D) Sound Recorder

2. Which of the following is not database program?

D) Ms Excel

3. Which of the following is/are HTML tags type?

C) Both of the above

4. Which of the following is are Network topology?

D) All of the above

5. Which of the following is not a data type?

A) Picture/Graphic

6. An organized collection of logically related data is known as ...

C) Database

7. Which is/are Network protocols?

D) All of the above

8. A character is equal to ..

B) One Byte

9. Which of the following input devices is also known as memory device?

B) Punch Cards

10. A programming language that uses binary codes in ..

A) Machine Language

الاثنين، 23 ديسمبر 2013

Interview MCQ Questions of Computer Fundamentals set-3

1. Which is special register, which holds machine instructions?

Interview MCQ Questions of Computer FundamentalsA) Control unit


C) Control instruction register

D) None of the above

2. A language used to express algorithms in computer understandable form is

A) Assembly language

B) Low-level language

C) Algorithmic language

D) Programming language

3. Which statement is not valid about computer

A) Can accept data supplied by the user

B) Can process the data

C) Can output the data as result

D) None of the above

4. Central processing Unit is combination of

A) Control and Storage unit

B) Control and Output unit

C) Arithmetic Logic and Input Unit

D) Arithmetic Logic and Control Unit

5. ASCII stands for

A) American Standard Code for Introduction Interchange

B) American Standard Code for Information Interchange

C) American Start Code for Information Interchange

D) American Stop Code for Information Interchange

6. Seek time is

A) Time to position the head over proper track

B) Time to position the head over proper sector

C) Time to position the head over proper cylinder

D) None of the above

7. Who invented the high level language ?

A) Nicklaus Writh

B) VAN-Neuman

C) Dennis M Ritchie

D) Donald Knuth

8. Which American computer company is called big blue?

A) Microsoft

B) Compaq Corporation



9. OLE means

A) Open Linking and Embedding

B) Object Linking and Embedding

C) Objective Linking and Embedding

D) Open Link and End

10. CMOS stands for

A) Common Metal Oxide Semiconductor

B) Common Mono Oxide Semiconductor

C) Common Metal Oxide Superconductor

D) Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor


1. Which is special register, which holds machine instructions?

C) Control instruction register

2. A language used to express algorithms in computer understandable form is

A) Assembly language

3. Which statement is not valid about computer

D) None of the above

4. Central processing Unit is combination of

D) Arithmetic Logic and Control Unit

5. ASCII stands for

B) American Standard Code for Information Interchange

6. Seek time is

A) Time to position the head over proper track

7. Who invented the high level language ?

C) Dennis M Ritchie

8. Which American computer company is called big blue?


9. OLE means

B) Object Linking and Embedding

10. CMOS stands for

D) Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor

الثلاثاء، 17 ديسمبر 2013

Computer Networks MCQ Interview Questions with Answer set-8

1. In addresses for ................... networks, the first 16 bits specify a particular network, and the last 16 bits specify a particular host.
Computer Networks MCQ Interview Questions
 SMTP (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A) class A

B) class B

C) class C

D) class D

2. The .............. protocol is based on end to end delivery.





3. A/An .................... routing scheme is designed to enable switches to react to changing traffic patterns on the network.

A) static routing

B) fixed alternate routing

C) adaptive routing

D) dynamic routing

4. The IPV4 address is a .................. address because it is assigned at the internet layer.

A) logical

B) physical

C) common

D) shared

5. The ................... layer provides a well defined service interface to the network layer, determining how the bits of the physical layer are grouped into frames.

A) Data Link

B) Physical

C) Network

D) Session

6. A distributed data processing configuration in which all activities must pass through a centrally located computer is called as ............

A) ring network

B) spider network

C) hierarchical network

D) data control network

7. The ............... signals are used for the maintenance, troubleshooting and overall operation of the network.

A) address

B) network management

C) call Information

D) supervisory

8. In ........................ a route is selected for each source-destination pair of in the network.

A) flooding

B) variable routing

C) fixed routing

D) random routing

9. In ................. type of service, each frame sent over the connection is numbered and the data link layer guarantees that each frame sent is indeed received.

A) connection less service

B) indirect link service

C) direct link service

D) connection oriented service

10. In .................... deliver, packets of a message are logically connected to one another.

A) connection less

B) indirect link

C) direct link

D) connection oriented


1. In addresses for ................... networks, the first 16 bits specify a particular network, and the last 16 bits specify a particular host.

B) class B

2. The .............. protocol is based on end to end delivery.


3. A/An .................... routing scheme is designed to enable switches to react to changing traffic patterns on the network.

C) adaptive routing

4. The IPV4 address is a .................. address because it is assigned at the internet layer.

A) logical

5. The ................... layer provides a well defined service interface to the network layer, determining how the bits of the physical layer are grouped into frames.

A) Data Link

6. A distributed data processing configuration in which all activities must pass through a centrally located computer is called as ............

B) spider network

7. The ............... signals are used for the maintenance, troubleshooting and overall operation of the network.

B) network management

8. In ........................ a route is selected for each source-destination pair of in the network.

C) fixed routing

9. In ................. type of service, each frame sent over the connection is numbered and the data link layer guarantees that each frame sent is indeed received.

D) connection oriented service

10. In .................... deliver, packets of a message are logically connected to one another.

D) connection oriented

الأحد، 15 ديسمبر 2013

Solved MCQ of Wireless Mobile Communication set-1

MCQ of Wireless Mobile Communication
GSM Network Architecture (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
1. Which of the following is/are the main part(s) of basic cellular system.

A) A mobile Unit

B) A cell Site

C) A mobile Telephone Switching Office

D) All of the above

2. Fading of the received radio signals in a mobile communication environment occurs because of .....

A) Direct propagation

B) Multipath Propagation

C) Bi-path Propagation

D) None of the above

3.State whether True of False.

i) The cells or subdivisions of a geographical area are always hexagonal.

ii) A land to Mobile call originates through the Telephone exchange.

A) True, False

B) False, True

C) False, False

D) True, True

4. In .............. Frequency Spectrum is divided into smaller spectra and is allocated to each user.





5. In ................ multiple access is achieved by allocating different time slots for the different users.





6. State whether True of False.

i) In GSM only TDMA is used.

ii) There is zero inter-channel interference in CDMA.

A) True, False

B) False, True

C) False, False

D) True, True

7. The basic GSM is based on ____________________ traffic channels.

A) connection oriented.

B) connection less.

C) packet switching.

D) circuit switching.

8. ..................... are typically characterized by very small cells, especially in densely populated areas.

A) 2G system.

B) 3G system.

C) 2.5G system.

D) 3.5G system.

9. A antenna which attempts to direct all its energy in a particular direction is called as a .............

A) Directional Antenna

B) One to One Antenna

C) Propagation Antenna

D) Single Direction Antenna

10. Which mode is used for installing networks in wireless communication device characteristics?

A) Fixed and wired.

B) Mobile and wired.

C) Fixed and wired.

D) Mobile and wireless.


1. Which of the following is/are the main part(s) of basic cellular system.

D) All of the above

2. Fading of the received radio signals in a mobile communication environment occurs because of .....

B) Multipath Propagation

3.State whether True of False.

i) The cells or subdivisions of a geographical area are always hexagonal.

ii) A land to Mobile call originates through the Telephone exchange.

B) False, True

4. In .............. Frequency Spectrum is divided into smaller spectra and is allocated to each user.


5. In ................ multiple access is achieved by allocating different time slots for the different users.


6. State whether True of False.

i) In GSM only TDMA is used.

ii) There is zero inter-channel interference in CDMA.

C) False, False

7. The basic GSM is based on ____________________ traffic channels.

A) connection oriented.

8. ..................... are typically characterized by very small cells, especially in densely populated areas.

C) 2.5G system.

9. A antenna which attempts to direct all its energy in a particular direction is called as a .............

A) Directional Antenna

10. Which mode is used for installing networks in wireless communication device characteristics?

C) Fixed and wired.

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الجمعة، 13 ديسمبر 2013

Solved MCQ of Client Server Computing set-1

1. ........................ tier it's much easier to design the application to be DBMS agnostic.

A) Middle application server
 MCQ of Client Server Computing
Client-Server Model (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

B) Multithreaded application

C) Application server

D) Client server application

2. Which of the following is not the correct benefit of distributed computing.

A) Resource sharing

B) Performance

C) Availability

D) Security

3. ................... serve as the 'glue' between the client and server applications respectively, and that ORB.

A) ORB and ORB Interface

B) CORBA IDL stubs and skeletons

C) Client and servant

D) Client and server

4. In ........................ the client invokes the request, and then blocks waiting for the response.

A) Deferred Synchronous Invocation

B) One way Invocation

C) Synchronous Invocation

D) Two way Invocation

5. In ...................... the client invokes the request, continues processing while the request in dispatched, and later collects the response.

A) Deferred Synchronous Invocation

B) One way Invocation

C) Synchronous Invocation

D) Two way Invocation

6. ............................ provides programmers a familiar programming model by extending the local procedure call to a distributed environment.

A) Distributed environment

B) Permanent procedure call

C) Process and file

D) Remote procedure call

7. The ............................. in the object's descriptor is passed as the second argument to the remote object's constructor for the object to use during activation.

A)Activation Desc

B) Marshalled Object

C) Activation Exception

D) Activation Object

8. ........................ allows clients to invoke requests without having access to static stubs and allows server to be written without having skeletons for the objects being invoked compiled statically into the program.

A) The Object Adapter

B) Dynamic Skeleton Interface

C) Server Process Activation

D) Client Process Activation

9. ......................... serves as the glue between CORBA object implementations and the ORB itself.

A) The Object Adapter

B) Dynamic Skeleton Interface

C) Server Process Activation

D) Client Process Activation

10. ................. refers to computing technologies in which the hardware and software components are distributed across a network.

A) Client and Server

B) User and System

C) User and file server

D) User and database server


1. ........................ tier it's much easier to design the application to be DBMS agnostic.

A) Middle application server

2. Which of the following is not the correct benefit of distributed computing.

D) Security

3. ................... serve as the 'glue' between the client and server applications respectively, and that ORB.

B) CORBA IDL stubs and skeletons

4. In ........................ the client invokes the request, and then blocks waiting for the response.

C) Synchronous Invocation

5. In ...................... the client invokes the request, continues processing while the request in dispatched, and later collects the response.

A) Deferred Synchronous Invocation

6. ............................ provides programmers a familiar programming model by extending the local procedure call to a distributed environment.

D) Remote procedure call

7. The ............................. in the object's descriptor is passed as the second argument to the remote object's constructor for the object to use during activation.

B) Marshalled Object

8. ........................ allows clients to invoke requests without having access to static stubs and allows server to be written without having skeletons for the objects being invoked compiled statically into the program.

B) Dynamic Skeleton Interface

9. ......................... serves as the glue between CORBA object implementations and the ORB itself.

A) The Object Adapter

10. ................. refers to computing technologies in which the hardware and software components are distributed across a network.

A) Client and Server

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الثلاثاء، 10 ديسمبر 2013

Computer Organization and Architecture Objective Questions set-5

1. Memory unit that communicates directly with the CPU is called the ...............

A) Main memory
Computer Organization and Architecture
RISC (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

B) Secondary memory

C) Auxiliary memory

D) Register

2. CISC stands for ................

A) Common Instruction Set Computers

B) Complex Instruction Set Compilers

C) Complex Instruction Set Computers

D) Compound Instruction Set Computers

3. The communication between central system and the outside environment is done by

A) Input-output subsystem

B) Control system

C) Memory system

D) Logic system

4. The register that keeps track of the instructions in the program stored in memory is ..

A) Control register

B) Program counter

C) Status register

D) Direct register

5. ................ is a small very speed register file maintained by the instruction fetch segment of the pipeline.

A) Branch Target Buffer

B) Loop buffer

C) Branch loop buffer

D) Target register

6. In case of only one memory operand, when a second operand is needed, as in the case of an Add instruction, we use processor register called .........

A) accumulator

B) register

C) operand

D) source

7. Data transfer between the main memory and the CPU register takes place through two registers namely .......

A) general purpose register and MDR

B) accumulator and program counter

C) MAR and MDR

D) MAR and Accumulator

8. The pipeline operates on a stream of instruction by overlapping the phases of instruction cycle is ........

A) Arithmetic pipeline

B) Instruction pipeline

C) Parallel pipeline

D) Multiple pipeline

9. The instruction that cause transfer of data from one location to another without changing the binary information content are ...

A) Data transfer instruction

B) Data manipulation instruction

C) Register transfer instruction

D) Program control instruction

10. The branch logic that provides decision making capabilities in the control unit is known as ..

A) Controlled transfer

B) Conditional transfer

C) Unconditional transfer

D) None of above


1. Memory unit that communicates directly with the CPU is called the ...............

A) Main memory

2. CISC stands for ................

C) Complex Instruction Set Computers

3. The communication between central system and the outside environment is done by

A) Input-output subsystem

4. The register that keeps track of the instructions in the program stored in memory is ..

B) Program counter

5. ................ is a small very speed register file maintained by the instruction fetch segment of the pipeline.

B) Loop buffer

6. In case of only one memory operand, when a second operand is needed, as in the case of an Add instruction, we use processor register called .........

A) accumulator

7. Data transfer between the main memory and the CPU register takes place through two registers namely .......

C) MAR and MDR

8. The pipeline operates on a stream of instruction by overlapping the phases of instruction cycle is ........

B) Instruction pipeline

9. The instruction that cause transfer of data from one location to another without changing the binary information content are ...

A) Data transfer instruction

10. The branch logic that provides decision making capabilities in the control unit is known as ..

C) Unconditional transfer

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For other more Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs): Click Here

الاثنين، 9 ديسمبر 2013

Computer Organization and Architecture Interview Questions set-4

1. The computer code for the interchange of information between terminal is ..

Computer Organization and Architecture Interview Questions
Example of how to construct a NAND gate from NOR gates (Photo credit: Wikipedia)



D) All of the above

2. SIMD stands for ....

A) Single Instruction Stream Over Multiple Data Streams

B) Single Instruction Stream Over Minimum Data Streams

C) Single Instruction Stream Over Media Data Streams

D) Multiple Instruction Streams and Single Data Stream

3. The NOR gate is complement of ..

A) AND gate

B) OR gate

C) NAND gate

D) NOT gate

4. A .............. is a digital circuit that performs the inverse operation of decodes.

A) multiplexer

B) adder

C) subtractor

D) encoder

5. Pipelining increases the CPU instruction ..........

A) efficiency

B) latency

C) throughput

D) Both a and c

6. The ............... is a program whose function is to start the computer software operating when power is turned on.

A) Bootstrap loader

B) Multi programming

C) Loader

D) None of the above

7. .................. is concerned with the way the hardware components operate to form computer system.

A) Computer organization

B) Computer design

C) Computer architecture

D) Computer implementation

8. Devices that are used primarily to transport data between the processor and the user are known as ....

A) Networking devices

B) Basic storage devices

C) Data presentation device

D) Data transfer device

9. Which statement is valid about computer program?

A) It is understood by a computer

B) It is understood by programmer

C) It is understood to use

D) All of the above

10. Access time is

A) Time to position the head over proper track

B) Time to position the head over proper sector

C) Time to position the head over proper cylinder

D) None of above


1. The computer code for the interchange of information between terminal is ..


2. SIMD stands for ....

A) Single Instruction Stream Over Multiple Data Streams

3. The NOR gate is complement of ..

B) OR gate

4. A .............. is a digital circuit that performs the inverse operation of decodes.

D) encoder

5. Pipelining increases the CPU instruction ..........

C) throughput

6. The ............... is a program whose function is to start the computer software operating when power is turned on.

A) Bootstrap loader

7. .................. is concerned with the way the hardware components operate to form computer system.

A) Computer organization

8. Devices that are used primarily to transport data between the processor and the user are known as ....

C) Data presentation device

9. Which statement is valid about computer program?

D) All of the above

10. Access time is

A) Time to position the head over proper track

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For other more Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs): Click Here

الخميس، 5 ديسمبر 2013

Java MCQ Interview Questions With Answers set-10

1. Java was developed by the company

A) Sun Micro systems
Image representing Sun Microsystems as depicte...
Sun Micro systems Image CrunchBase

B) Microsoft

C) Micro tech


2. What is the file extension of compiled java program?

A) .class

B) .java

C) .css

D) .html

3. .................. keyword is used to invoke the current object.

A) New

B) That

C) This

D) Me

4. Which of the function is used to convert string to Number in java program?

A) to Number()

B) conString()

C) valueOf()

D) toString()

5. What are the part in executing a Java program and their purposes?

A) Java Compiler

B) Java Interpreter

C) Java Pre-processor

D) Directive Pre-processor

6. Method overloading is one of the way that Java supports ............

A) encapsulation

B) class

C) inheritence

D) polymorphism

7. Java support RMI. What does this RMI stands for?

A) Random Memory Interface

B) Remote Method Invocation

C) Random Method Invocation

D) Remote Memory Interface

8. Which of the following represent legal flow control statements?

A) break;

B) break();

C) continue(inner);

D) exit();

9. The keywords reserved but used in the initial version of Java are

A) union

B) const

C) inner

D) goto

10. What is the default return type of main() ..

A) void

B) double

C) float

D) int


1. Java was developed by the company

A) Sun Micro systems

2. What is the file extension of compiled java program?

A) .class

3. .................. keyword is used to invoke the current object.

C) This

4. Which of the function is used to convert string to Number in java program?

C) valueOf()

5. What are the part in executing a Java program and their purposes?

A) Java Compiler

6. Method overloading is one of the way that Java supports ............

D) polymorphism

7. Java support RMI. What does this RMI stands for?

B) Remote Method Invocation

8. Which of the following represent legal flow control statements?

A) break;

9. The keywords reserved but used in the initial version of Java are

A) union

10. What is the default return type of main() ..

D) int

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الأربعاء، 4 ديسمبر 2013

Java Objective Questions with Answers set-9

1. In java a ....................... is a sequence of characters.

Java Objective Questions with Answers
Schema of the general architecture of a program running in a Java Virtual Machine (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A) string

B) arrayChar

C) groupChar

D) collection

2. Java programs perform I/O through ...........

A) I/O methods

B) I/O package

C) streams

D) compiler

3. What is byte code in the context of Java?

A) The type of code generated by a Java compiler

B) The type of code generated by a Java Virtual Machine

C) It is another name for Java source file

D) It is the code written within the instance methods of a class

4. Which of the following statements about abstract methods/classes in Java is true?

A) An abstract class cannot be instantiated.

B) Constructors can be abstract.

C) A subclass of an abstract class must defined the abstract methods.

D) Static methods may be declared abstract.

5. Which of the following statement is false?

A) The sleep() method should be enclosed in try ......... catch block

B) The yield() method should be enclosed in try ......... catch block.

C) A thread can be temporarily suspended from running by using the wait() method.

D) A suspended thread using suspend() method can be revived using the resume() method.

6. The new operator dynamically allocates ..............for an object and returns a reference to it.

A) classes

B) variables

C) memory

D) none of the above

7. Which of the following statements correctly describes an interface?

A) It's a concrete class

B) It's a super class

C) It's a type of abstract class

D) It's a subclass

8. What is the priority of the Garbage collector thread of jdk?

A) Low Priority

B) Highest Priority

C) Medium Priority

D) Decided at run time

9. ................ is a feature that allows one interface to be used for a general class of actions.

A) Class

B) Inheritance

C) Polymorphism

D) Interface

10. The default package that is implicitly called in a java program is .............

A) java.Lang

B) java.System

C) java.Window

D) java.Lang.System


1. In java a ....................... is a sequence of characters.

B) arrayChar

2. Java programs perform I/O through ...........

C) streams

3. What is byte code in the context of Java?

A) The type of code generated by a Java compiler

4. Which of the following statements about abstract methods/classes in Java is true?

A) An abstract class cannot be instantiated.

5. Which of the following statement is false?

B) The yield() method should be enclosed in try ......... catch block.

6. The new operator dynamically allocates ..............for an object and returns a reference to it.

C) memory

7. Which of the following statements correctly describes an interface?

C) It's a type of abstract class

8. What is the priority of the Garbage collector thread of jdk?

A) Low Priority

9. ................ is a feature that allows one interface to be used for a general class of actions.

C) Polymorphism

10. The default package that is implicitly called in a java program is .............

A) java.Lang

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الثلاثاء، 3 ديسمبر 2013

SQL Interview Multiple Choice Questions and Answers set-4

1. In SQL, which command is used to issue multiple CREATE TABLE, CREATE VIEW and GRANT statements in a single transaction?
SQL Interview Multiple Choice Questions
SQL database icon with shortcut identification (Photo credit: Wikipedia)




A) All of the above

2. In SQL, the CREATE TABLESPACE is used

A) to create a place in the database for storage of scheme objects, rollback segments, and naming the data files to comprise the tablespace.

B) to create a database trigger.

C) to add/rename data files, to change storage

D) All of the above

3. Which character function can be used to return a specified portion of a character string?





4. Which of the following is TRUE for the System Variable $date$?

A) Can be assigned to a global variable.

B) Can be assigned to any field only during design time.

C) Can be assigned to any variable or field during run time.

D) Can be assigned to a local variable.

5. What are the different events in Triggers?

A) Define, Create

B) Drop, Comment

C) Insert, Update, Delete

D) Select, Commit

6. Which is the subset of SQL commands used to manipulate Oracle Database Structures, including tables?

A) Data Definition Language

B) Data Manipulation Language

C) Data Described Language

D) Data Retrieval Language

7. The SQL statement SELECT SUBSTR('123456789', INSTR('abcabcabc','b'), 4) FROM EMP; prints

A) 6789

B) 2345

C) 1234

D) 456789

8. Which of the following SQL command can be used to modify existing data in a database table?





9. When SQL statements are embedded inside 3GL, we call such a program as ..........

A) nested query

B) nested programming

C) distinct query

D) embedded SQL

10. ................ provides option for entering SQL queries as execution time, rather than at the development stage.


B) SQL*Plus


D) Dynamic SQL


1. In SQL, which command is used to issue multiple CREATE TABLE, CREATE VIEW and GRANT statements in a single transaction?


2. In SQL, the CREATE TABLESPACE is used

A) to create a place in the database for storage of scheme objects, rollback segments, and naming the data files to comprise the tablespace.

3. Which character function can be used to return a specified portion of a character string?


4. Which of the following is TRUE for the System Variable $date$?

B) Can be assigned to any field only during design time.

5. What are the different events in Triggers?

C) Insert, Update, Delete

6. Which is the subset of SQL commands used to manipulate Oracle Database Structures, including tables?

A) Data Definition Language

7. The SQL statement SELECT SUBSTR('123456789', INSTR('abcabcabc','b'), 4) FROM EMP; prints

B) 2345

8. Which of the following SQL command can be used to modify existing data in a database table?


9. When SQL statements are embedded inside 3GL, we call such a program as ..........

D) embedded SQL

10. ................ provides option for entering SQL queries as execution time, rather than at the development stage.

D) Dynamic SQL

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الاثنين، 2 ديسمبر 2013

SQL MCQ Interview Questions With Answers set-3

1. In SQL, which command is used to remove a stored function from the database?
SQL MCQ Interview Questions
Cover of SQL Server magazine (Photo credit: Wikipedia)





2. In SQL, which command is used to select only one copy of each set of duplicate rows




D) All of the above

3. Count function in SQL returns the number of

A) Values

B) Distinct values

C) Groups

D) Columns

4. Composite key is made up of ................

A) One column

B) One super key

C) One foreign key

D) Two or more columns

5. What command is used to get back the privileges offered by the GRANT command?

A) Grant

B) Revoke

C) Execute

D) Run

6. Which command displays the SQL command in the SQL buffer, and then executes it?





7. What is a DATABLOCK?

A) Set of Extents

B) Set of Segments

C) Smallest Database storage unit

D) Set of blocks

8. If two groups are not linked in the data model editor, what is the hierarchy between them?

A) There is no hierarchy between unlinked groups.

B) The group that is right ranks higher than the group that is to right or below it.

C) The group that is above or leftmost ranks higher than the group that is to right or below it.

D) The group that is left ranks higher than the group that is to the right.

9. Which of the following types of triggers can be fired on DDL operations?

A) Instead of Trigger

B) DML Trigger

C) System Trigger

D) DDL Trigger

10. What operator performs pattern matching?

A) IS NULL operator

B) ASSIGNMENT operator

C) LIKE operator

D) NOT operator


1. In SQL, which command is used to remove a stored function from the database?


2. In SQL, which command is used to select only one copy of each set of duplicate rows


3. Count function in SQL returns the number of

A) Values

4. Composite key is made up of ................

D) Two or more columns

5. What command is used to get back the privileges offered by the GRANT command?

B) Revoke

6. Which command displays the SQL command in the SQL buffer, and then executes it?


7. What is a DATABLOCK?

C) Smallest Database storage unit

8. If two groups are not linked in the data model editor, what is the hierarchy between them?

C) The group that is above or leftmost ranks higher than the group that is to right or below it.

9. Which of the following types of triggers can be fired on DDL operations?

C) System Trigger

10. What operator performs pattern matching?

C) LIKE operator

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الأحد، 1 ديسمبر 2013

Solved Objective Questions of Database Management System set-9

1. ............................ is the powerful language for working with RDBMS.

A) Embedded Programs
Objective Questions of Database Management System
Database Management System (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

B) Dynamic Programs

C) Query Language

D) Static Language Programs

2. The file in DBMS is called as .................. in RDBMS.

A) console

B) schema

C) table

D) object

3. In ..................... , we have a strict parent-child relationship only.

B) network databases

C) object oriented databases

D) relational databases

4. Which normal form is considered adequate for relational database design?

A) 2 NF

B) 3 NF

C) 4 NF


5. What operator tests column for the absence of data?

A) IS NULL operator

C) LIKE operator

D) NOT operator

6. Which is proper subset designed to support views belonging to different classes of users in order to hide or protect information.

A) Schema

B) Sub-schema

C) Non-schema

D) Non-sub schema

7. Which contain information about a file needed by system programs for accessing file records?

A) File blocks

B) File operators

C) File headers

D) None of these

8. A .................... DBMS distributes data processing tasks between the workstation and network server.

A) Network

B) Relational

D) Hierarchical

9. The .................... refers to the way data is organized in and accessible from DBMS.

A) database hierarchy

B) data organization

C) data sharing

10. ................. is a statement that is executed automatically by the system.

A) trigger

B) assertion

C) durability

D) integrity constraint


1. ............................ is the powerful language for working with RDBMS.

C) Query Language

2. The file in DBMS is called as .................. in RDBMS.

C) table

3. In ..................... , we have a strict parent-child relationship only.

A) hierarchical databases.

4. Which normal form is considered adequate for relational database design?

B) 3 NF

5. What operator tests column for the absence of data?

A) IS NULL operator

6. Which is proper subset designed to support views belonging to different classes of users in order to hide or protect information.

B) Sub-schema

7. Which contain information about a file needed by system programs for accessing file records?

C) File headers

8. A .................... DBMS distributes data processing tasks between the workstation and network server.

C) Client Server

9. The .................... refers to the way data is organized in and accessible from DBMS.

D) data model

10. ................. is a statement that is executed automatically by the system.

A) trigger

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