الجمعة، 28 يونيو 2013

Solved MCQ of Oracle and Distributed Databases set-3

1. The …………………… consists of physical files and memory components.

A) Oracle Client

B) Oracle Server

C) Oracle Middleware

D) Oracle Instance

2. The ……………………… consists of the memory components of Oracle and various background processes.

A) Oracle Parameter

B) Oracle Profile

C) Oracle Process

D) Oracle Instance

3. The Oracle Instance is made up of the ………………………. and the background processes.

A) System Global Area (SGA)

B) Oracle Global Area (OGA)

C) Program Global Area (PGA)

D) Private SQL Area (PSA)

4. The background processes of the Oracle instance are responsible for performing …………………. I/O functions.

A) Synchronous

B) Asynchronous

C) Both of the above

D) None of the above

5. The PGA is used to process ………………………… and to hold logon and other session information.

A) SQL Statements

B) Server Processes

C) User Processes

D) Shared Statements

6. In SGA, the contents of the memory area are shared by multiple users is called as …………………..

A) Redo Log Buffer

B) Database Buffer Cache

C) Shared Pool

D) Large Pool

7. In Oracle Database ………………….. Contain the data dictionary and user created data.

A) Data Files

B) Control Files

C) Redo Log Files

D) Password Files

8. The ………………………….. keeps a record of the names, size locations different physical files of the Oracle Database.

A) Data File

B) Control File

C) Redo Log File

D) Password File

9. In Oracle Database, ……………………………… is used to hold the names of privileged users who have been granted the SYSDBA or SYSOPR roles.

A) Data File

B) Control File

C) Redo Log File

D) Password File

10. In Oracle, the end of the transaction is recorded in the ……………………….. files.

A) Data

B) Control

C) Redo Log

D) Password


1. B) Oracle Server
2. D) Oracle Instance
3. A) System Global Area (SGA)
4. B) Asynchronous
5. A) SQL Statements
6. C) Shared Pool
7. A) Data Files
8. B) Control File
9. D) Password File
10. C) Redo Log

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الخميس، 20 يونيو 2013

MCQ of Java With Answer set-7

1. The .................. and .................... classes are abstract classes that support reading and writing of byte streams.
A) reader, writer
B) inputstream, outputstream
C) objectinputstream, objectoutputstream
D) none

2. What is the error in the following code?
     class Test
         abstract void display( );

A) No error
B) Method display( ) should be declared as static
C) Test class should be declared as abstract
D) Test class should be declared as public

3. A package is a collection of
A) classes
B) interfaces
C) editing tools
D) classes and interfaces

4. Which of the following methods belong to the string class?
A) length( )
B) compare To ( )
C) equals ( )
D) All of them

5. What will be the output of the following code?
    byte x=64, y;
    y= (byte) (x<<2);

A) 0
B) 1
C) 2
D) 64

6. If m and n are int type variables, what will be the result of the expression
    when m=5 and n=2 ?
A) 0
B) 1
C) 2
D) None of the above

7. Which of the following control expressions are valid for an if statement?
A) An integer expression
B) A Boolean expression
C) Either A or B
D) Neither A nor B

8. The concept of multiple inheritance is implemented in Java by
A) extending two or more classes
B) extending one class and implementing one or more interfaces
C) implementing two or more interfaces
D) both B and C

9. Which of the following do not represent legal flow control statements?
A) break;
B) return;
C) exit();
D) continue outer;

10. Data input is
A) an abstract class defined in java.io
B) a class we can use to read primitive data types
C) an interface that defines methods to open files.
D) an interface that defines methods to read primitive data types.


1.  B) inputstream, outputstream
2.  C) Test class should be declared as abstract
3.  D) classes and interfaces
4.  D) All of them 
5.  A) 0
6.  B) 1
7.  B) A Boolean expression
8.  D) both B and C
9.  C) exit();
10.D) an interface that defines methods to read primitive data types.

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الأربعاء، 12 يونيو 2013

Solved Multiple Choice Questions of C++ set-4

1. In C++ ..................... operator is used for Dynamic memory allocation.
A) Scope resolution
B) Conditional
C) New
D) Membership access

2. Operators such as ...................... cannot be overloaded.
A) +
B) ++
C) : :
D) = =

3. The ...................... objects have values that can be tested for various error conditions.
A) osstream
B) ofstream
C) stream
D) ifstream

4. Which function return the current position of the get or put pointer in bytes.
A) tellg( )
B) tellp( )
C) tell( )
D) Both A and B

5. The first index number in an array starts with ............................ and the index number of an array of size n will be ............
A) 0, n-1
B) 1, n-1
C) 0, n
D) 1, n

6. To overload an operator ..................... keyword must be used along with the operator to be overloaded.
A) Over
B) Overload
C) Void
D) Operator

7. What is the output of the program

void main()
     int n=1;
     cout<<endl<<"The numbers are;"<<endl;

cout <<n<<"\t";
           } while (n<=100);
     cout <<endl;

A) Print natural numbers 0 to 99
B) Print natural numbers 1 to 99
C) Print natural numbers 0 to 100
D) Print natural numbers 1 to 100

8. Everything defined at the program scope level (ie. outside functions and classes) is said to be ...............
A) local scope
B) regional scope
C) global scope
D) static scope

9. Because the lifetime of a local variable is limited and determined automatically, these variables are also called ............................
A) automator
B) automatic
C) dynamic
D) static

10. ................ allows that a section of a program is compiled only if the defined constant that is specified as the parameter has been defined, independently of its value.
A) #ifdef
B) #if
C) #define
D) #ifd


1. C) New
2. C) : :
3. D) ifstream
4. B) tellp( )
5. A) 0, n-1
6. D) Operator
7. D) Print natural numbers 1 to 100
8. C) global scope
9. B) automatic
10. A) #ifdef

الثلاثاء، 11 يونيو 2013

MCQ Questions of C++ With Answers set-3

1. When a function is defined inside a class, this function is called ………….
A) Inside function
B) Class function
C) Inline function
D) Interior function

2. Which of the following cannot be passed to a function?
A) Reference variable
B) Arrays
C) Class objects
D) Header files

3. State true of false.
i) We cannot make the function inline by defining a function outside the class.
ii) A member function can be called by using its name inside another member function of the same class, this is known as nesting of member function.
A) True, True
B) True, False
C) False, True
D) False, False

4. Which of the following operators could be overloaded?
A) Size of
B) +
C) +=
D) ::

5. Which of the following is true about the static member variable in C++.
i) It is initialized to zero when the first object of its class is created. Other initialization is also permitted.
ii) It is visible only within the class, but its lifetime is the entire program.
A) i-True, ii-True
B) ii-False, ii-True
C) i-True, ii-False
D) i-False, iii-False

6. Which of the following keywords are used to control access to a class member?
A) default
B) break
C) protected
D) goto

7. What will be the values of x, m and n after execution of the following statements?
Int x, m, n;
                x= ++m + n++;

A) x=25, m=10, n=15
B) x=27, m=10, n=15
C) x=26, m=11, n=16
D) x=27, m=11, n=16

8. The major goal of inheritance in C++ is
A) To facilitate the conversion of data types
B) To help modular programming
C) To facilitate the re usability of code
D) To extend the capabilities of a class

9. A variable is defined within a block in a body of a function. Which of the following are true?
A) It is visible throughout the function.
B) It is visible from the point of definition to the end of the program.
C) It is visible from the point of definition to the end of the block.
D) It is visible throughout the block.

10. The friend functions are used in situations where
A) We want to exchange data between classes
B) We want to have access to unrelated classes
C) Dynamic binding is required
D) We want to create versatile overloaded operators.


1. C) Inline function
2.   D) Header files
3.   C) False, True
4.   B) +
5.   B) ii-False, ii-True
6.   C) protected
7.   C) x=26, m=11, n=16
8.   C) To facilitate the reusability of code
9.   D) It is visible throughout the block.
10.  A) We want to exchange … classes

الاثنين، 10 يونيو 2013

Java Multiple Choice Questions With Answers set-6

1. JSP embeds in ................ in ......................
A) Servlet, HTML
B) HTML, Java
C) HTML, Servlet
D) Java, HTML

2. The class at the top of exception class hierarchy is ..........................
A) ArithmeticException
B) Throwable
C) Class
D) Exception

3. In a java program, package declaration .................... import statements.
A) must precede
B) must succeed
C) may precede or succeed
D) none

4. The class string belongs to ................... package.
A) java.awt
B) java.lang
C) java.applet
D) java.string

5. ............... package is used by compiler itself. So it does not need to be imported for use.
A) java.math
B) java.awt
C) java.applet
D) java.lang

6. State true or false for the following statements in Java.
i) Java beans slow down software development process.
ii) Java Servlets do not have built in multithreading feature.
A) i-false, ii-false
B) i-false, ii-true
C) i-true, ii-false
D) i-true, ii-true

7. State whether true or false.
i) init( ) of servlet is called after a client request comes in 
ii) Servlets are ultimately converted into JSP
A) i-false, ii-false
B) i-false, ii-true
C) i-true, ii-false
D) i-true, ii-true

8. What will be the result of compiling following code.
public class MyClass{
     public static void main(String args[]){
           System.out.println("In first main()");
public static void main(char args[]){

A) Code will not compile and will give "Duplicate main() method declaration" error
B) Code will compile correctly but will give a runtime  exception
C) Code will compile correctly and will print "In first main()" (without quotes) when it is run
D) Code will compile correctly and will print "a" (without quotes) when it is run

9.Match the following. 
a) Java                      1) is a tool for debugging java program
b) Javah                    2) is a tool for creating C-like header files
c) Javap                    3) runs java bytecode
d) jdb                        4) prints java code representation

A) a-3, b-2,c-1
B) a-3, b-2, c-4, d-1
C) a-1, b-2, c-3, d-4
D) a-2, b-1, c-3, d-4

10.State true or false.
i) init() is called after start() in applet
ii) applets are used for networking
iii) inheritance is a part of Java Foundation Classes
iv) final does not prevent inheritance

A) i-true, ii-true, iii-false, iv-true
B) i-false, ii-false, iii-false, iv-false
C) i-true, ii-true, iii-true, iv-true
D) i-true, ii-false, iii-false, iv-false


1.  D) Java, HTML
2.  B) Throwable
3.  A) must precede
4.  B) java.lang
5.  D) java.lang
6.  A) i-false, ii-false
7.  A) i-false, ii-false
8.  C) Code will compile correctly and will print "In first main()" (without quotes) .. run
9.  B)  a-3, b-2, c-4, d-1
10.B) i-false, ii-false, iii-false, iv-false

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الأحد، 9 يونيو 2013

Java MCQ Questions and Answers set-5

1. Preparedstatement Object in JDBC is used to execute ........................... queries.
A) executable
B) simple
C) high level
D) parameterized

2. In JDBC ........................ imports all Java classes concerned with database connectivity.
A) javax.sql.*
B) java.mysql.*
C) java.sql.*
D) com.*

3. MS-SQL stores data in a ........................ file format.

4. Ingres is a ........................
A) Socket
B) Compiler
C) Database
D) Web server

5. In Java servlet method init( ) is called ..................... times.
A) 1
B) 2
C) 0
D) multiple

6. State true or false for Java Program.
i) All class variables are instance variables
ii) All protected methods are friendly methods
A) i-false, ii-false
B) i-false, ii-true
C) i-true, ii-false
D) i-true, ii-true

7. State true or false for Java Program.
i) Data members of an interface are by default final
ii) An abstract class has implementations of all methods defined inside it.
A) i-false, ii-false
B) i-false, ii-true
C) i-true, ii-false
D) i-true, ii-true

8. ........................ of a remotely accessible object must implement ................
A) all methods, RemoteException
B) class, RemoteException
C) class, RemoteInterface
D) all methods, RemoteInterface

9. ......................is the key to ........................
A) Serialization, persistence
B) Persistence, inheritance
C) Inheritance, object
D) Persistence, serialization

10. A method name myMethod( ) that needs two integer arguments is declared as
A) public void myMethod( );
B) public void myMethod(int a, int b);
C) public void myMethod(int a, b);
D) public int myMethod(a, b);


1.  D) parameterized
2.  C) java.sql.*
3.  A) .DAT
4.  C) Database
5.  A) 1
6.  B) i-false, ii-true
7.  C) i-true, ii-false
8.  C) class, RemoteInterface
9.  A) Serialization, persistence
10.B) public void myMethod(int a, int b);

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السبت، 8 يونيو 2013

Solved MCQ of Java set-4

1. In Java variables, if first increment of the variable takes place and then the assignment occurs. This operation is also called ............................. .
A) pre increment
B) post increment
C) incrementation
D) pre incrementation

2. When the operators are having the same priority, they are evaluated from .................  ............. in the order they appear in the expression.
A) right to left
B) left to right
C) any of the order
D) depends on compiler

3. In java,  ............. can only test for equality, where as ............ can evaluate any type of the Boolean expression.
A) switch, if
B) if, switch
C) if, break
D) continue, if

4. The ....................... looks only for a match between the value of the expression and one of its case constants.
A) if
B) match
C) switch
D) None of the above

5. System.in.read() is being used, the program must specify the .................. clause.
A) throws.java.out.IOException
B) throws.java.in.IOException
C) throws.java.io.IOException
D) throws.java.io.InException

6. By using ................... you can force immediate termination of a loop, by passing the conditional expression and any remaining code in the body of the loop.
A) Break
B) Continue
C) Terminate
D) Loop Close

7. The out object is an object encapsulated inside the ................. class, and represents the standard output device.
A) standard
B) local
C) globlal
D) system

8. The third type of comment is used by a tool called .................. for automatic generation of documentation.
A) Java commenting
B) Java generator
C) Java doc
D) Java loc

9. In the second type the information written in java after // is ignored by the .......................
A) Interpreter
B) Compiler
C) Programmer
D) All of the above

10. The compiled java program can run on any ..................... plateform having Java Virtual Machine (JVM) installed on it.
A) program
B) java
C) hardware
D) non java


1.  A) pre increment
2.  B) left to right
3.  A) switch, if
4.  C) switch
5.  C) throws.java.io.IOException
6.  A) Break
7.  D) system
8.  C) Java doc
9.  B) Compiler
10.C) hardware

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الجمعة، 7 يونيو 2013

Top 10 List of Best Job Search Sites

Top 10 job search sites
Finding a best job that can best match to your academic qualification and your skill may be the difficult task, if you don't select the best way for that. If you are thinking for a job after completing your college or university, at first you have to prepare your best CV and Resume, and have to apply for the job that fits for you. Today job search sites became more popular for both searching and posting a job, "you can submit your resume" on those sites, which are easily accessible through web for applying in different jobs. It makes your job searching work more easier and faster. So I have listed here some top job search sites through the world.

 List of Best Job Search Sites

1. Indeed.com: It is the No.1 job search site of the world wide. Millions of jobs were posted here and has over hundreds of millions unique visits on it. Indeed is available in most of the major countries and languages. Mobile application also available for making job searching work more easier and faster. For better performance of searching, it has also the advanced tool for searching jobs by using different criteria.

2. Monster.com: Monster.com is the top job search site in the US and also available internationally in Europe, North America, Middle East and Asia pacific region. You can get different job based on the different locations and categories by using its search engine. You can also get notified by e-mail about any job post openings after subscription.

3. Simply Hired.com: It is also the largest site for searching desired job for your career. You can search for any job title, skill, company and for any city, state or zip. It is also available for major of the languages and most of the countries. You can browse for any of topics, titles and categories. You can post your resume here for simple and easy searching your next job or even the first.

4. Linkedin.com: Linkedin.com is also included in the worlds largest professional network for building professional identity online. You can discover professional opportunities and business deals from here. It has the world largest job directory along with the advanced search engine for finding the jobs for any of topics, titles and categories. You can register on this site and post your resume.

5. CareerBuilder.com: CareerBuilder is the largest "online job site" in the U.S. It also offered free skill test service targeting for most of the job titles. You can search jobs by using different keywords and for any locations. You can search for any of the categories and also has the advanced searching facility.

6. Dice.com: Dice is the leading career site for technology and engineering professionals. It gives search results based on the title of the job posting and also has the advanced searching facility. You can also get jobs list based on the different criteria like country, area code, skill, city etc.

7. Snagajob.com: Snagajob.com help hourly employers find the best people for their jobs. It is the number one hourly job site in the world. They had innovative tools to help hourly workers and employers simplify their jobs and start living their dreams. You can also sign up for the e-mail alerts to deliver local jobs directly to your inbox.

9. US.jobs: It is the for US job seekers. You can search jobs on different locations and states within US. You can browse jobs based on the titles of the jobs and apply for the jobs.

10. Link Up.com: LinkUp is the fastest-growing "job search engine" on the web. All the job openings are indexed from company websites and the jobs are updated daily. You can search jobs based on keyword or job title and location or zip code. You can also use advanced search option for searching jobs.

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الثلاثاء، 4 يونيو 2013

Solved MCQ of SQL Server Set-2

1. ......................... are predefined and maintained SQL Server and users cannot assign or directly change the values.
A) Global variables
B) Local Variables
C) Integer Variables
D) Floating Variables

2. A local variable is shown ........................... preceding its name.
A) One @ symbol
B) Two @@ symbol
C) One # symbol
D) Two ## symbol

3. Constraint checking can be disabled on existing ........... and ............. constraints so that any data you modify or add to the table is not checked against the constraint.

4. ................ and ................... are the Transact - SQL control-of-flow key words.
A) Continue, Stop
B) Break, Stop
C) Continue, While
D) While, Going to

5. The type of constraint ........................ specifies data values that are acceptable in a column.

6. The ..................... constraint defines a column or combination of columns whose values match the primary key of the same or another table.

7.  The control-of-flow statement ..................... defines conditional, and optionally, alternate execution when a condition is FALSE.
C) IF........ELSE
D) BEGIN.......... END

8. In SQL Server, ..................... is based on relationships between foreign keys and primary keys or between foreign keys and unique keys.
A) Entity integrity
B) Domain integrity
C) Referential integrity

D) User-defined integrity

9. When a ................. clause is used, each item in the select list must produce a single value for each group.

10. MS SQL Server uses a variant of SQL called T-SQL, or Transact SQL, an implementation of .................. with some extensions.
A) MS SQL Server
B) Tabular Data Set
C) SQL-92
D) Tabular Data Stream


1.  A) Global variables
2.  A) One @ symbol
4.  C) Continue, While
5.  B) CHECK
7.  C) IF........ELSE
8.  C) Referential integrity
10.C) SQL-92

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الاثنين، 3 يونيو 2013

Solved MCQs of XML set - 1

1. XML stands for ......................
A) Extensible Markup Language
B) Eccessive Markup Language
C) Executive Markup Language
D) Extensible Managing Language

2. The XML format has a simpler set of ........................ than HTML.
A) loader rule
B) parsing rules
C) generator rule
D) logical rule

3. All information in XML is .....................
A) Unicode text
B) multi code
C) multi text
D) simple text

4. An entity in XML is a ................................
A) class
B) logical information
C) simple information
D) flexible information storage unit

5. A tool for reading XML documents is popularly called a .....................
A) XML delimiters
B) XML processor
C) XML parser
D) Both b and c

6. XSL stands for
A) Extensible Style sheet Language
B) Extensible Style Language
C) Exclusive Stylesheet Language
D) Exclusive Style Language

7. XML tabs are .............................
A) case sensitive
B) case insnesitive
C) easy
D) deficult

8. In XML the attribute value must always be quoted with .................
A) double quotes
B) single quotes
C) both a and b
D) name of attributes

9. Elements from the HTML namespace are displayed as they would in .......................

10. An .................... block can be to embed a CSS style sheet within an XML document.
A) <bk:Book>
B) <Element Type>


1. A) Extensible Markup Language
2. B) parsing rules
3. A) Unicode text
4. D) flexible information storage unit
5. D) Both b and c
6. A) Extensible Style sheet Language
7. A) case sensitive
8. A) double quotes
9. C) HTML

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الأحد، 2 يونيو 2013

MCQ of PL/SQL and Oracle With Answer set -2

1. ....................... are used to recreate if trigger already exists.

A) Cursor

B) Trigger

C) Keywords

D) Replace

2. .............................. is used to define code that is executed / fired when certain actions or event occur.

A) Cursor

B) Trigger

C) Keywords

D) Replace

3. ................. provide a way for your program to select multiple rows of data from the database and then process each row individually.

A) PL/SQL Cursors

B) PL/SQL Trigger

C) PL/SQL Select

D) PL/SQL Process

4. ........................... cursor are declared by ORACLE for each UPDATE, DELETE and INSERT SQL commands.

A) Implicit

B) Explicit

C) Internal

D) External

5. ......................... cursors are declared and used by the user to process multiple row, returned by SELECT statement.

A) Implicit

B) Explicit

C) Internal

D) External

6. ....................... contain a pointer that keeps track of current row being accessed, which enables your program to process the rows at a time.

A) Tracker

B) Cursor

C) Accesser

D) Trigger

7. ....................... a cursor enables you to define the cursor and assign a name to it.

A) Declearing

B) Stating

C) Extracting

D) Importing

8. In ................... the cursor advances to the next row in the active set each time the fetch command is executed.

A) recreating process

B) redefining process

C) iterative process

D) None of the above

9. A ......................... is a database object that groups logically related PL/SQL types, objects and subprograms.

A) Module

B) Package

C) Body

D) Name

10. In the PL/SQL, the package specification contains ....................... declarations.

A) Public

B) Private

C) Friend

D) Protected


1. D) Replace
2. B) Trigger
3. A) PL/SQL Cursors
4. A) Implicit
5. B) Explicit
6. B) Cursor
7. A) Declearing
8. C) iterative process
9. B) Package
10.A) Public

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السبت، 1 يونيو 2013

Solved MCQ of PL/SQL and Oracle set-1

1. ........................ is a procedural extension of Oracle - SQL that offers language constructs similar to those in imperative programming languages.
C) Advanced SQL

2. .................... combines the data manipulating power of SQL with the data processing power of Procedural languages.
C) Advanced SQL

3. ................... has made PL/SQL code run faster without requiring any additional work on the part of the programmer.
A) SQL Server
C) Oracle
D) SQL Lite

4. A line of PL/SQL text contains groups of characters known as .......................
A) Lexical Units
B) Literals
C) Textual Units
D) Identifiers

5. We use ........................ name PL/SQL program objects and units.
A) Lexical Units
B) Literals
C) Delimiters
D) Identifiers

6. A .................... is an explicit numeric, character, string or Boolean value not represented by an identifier.
A) Comments
B) Literals
C) Delimiters
D) Identifiers

7. If no header is specified, the block is said to be an ...................... PL/SQL block.
A) Strong
B) Weak
C) Empty
D) Anonymous

8. ............. is a sequence of zero or more characters enclosed by single quotes.
A) Integers literal
B) String literal
C) String units
D) String label

9. In ........................, the management of the password for the account can be handled outside of oracle such as operating system.
A) Database Authentication

B) Operating System Authentication
C) Internal Authentication
D) External Authentication

10. In ............................ of Oracle, the database administrator creates a user account in the database for each user who needs access.
A) Database Authentication
B) Operating System Authentication
C) Internal Authentication
D) External Authentication


1. B) PL/SQL
2. A) PL/SQL
3. C) Oracle
4. A) Lexical Units
5. D) Identifiers
6. B) Literals
7. D) Anonymous
8. B) String literal
9. B) Operating System Authentication
10.A) Database Authentication

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